Monday, February 28, 2011

An update

Right after that last post, we got Sterlings training dates.

He's leaving the end of May/beginning of June. We don't know where his base is yet, that news will come in March (which starts tomorrow, sick).

So first he starts off as an officer at LTC (the same training he went to two summers ago). The good news is that I'll get to talk to him frequently and he may be able to come up for our one year anniversary (awesome!). That ends in the beginning of August and then he'll have some time off (maybe come home...) and then he'll start his infantry basic training at the end of August. That will go until the beginning of December and then hopefully he'll get to come home for the holidays before he starts Ranger School in January.

It's real now.

Hopefully he'll get to stay in May long enough to do our half marathon (on the 22nd).

Okay, I need to study now. Le sigh, such is the life of a grad student.

1 comment:

  1. least you know a little more now. That's a good thing.
