I plan on using this as a means to keep you updated on my new adventures in married/grad student life over here in East Lansing.
First of all, Sterling and I are both enjoying married life (or so I hope he is...)! We've gotten into some sort of a routine that often includes Wheel of Fortune, video games (COD), taking Hank to the dog park, studying (lots and lots of it), crocheting/knitting and just enjoying each others company. It's a good time.
Sterling is currently in his last year of his masters program in geography here at MSU and he is also in the ROTC program when he is the Battalion Commander or some fancy name like that. Basically he gets to be in charge and delegate a lot. He's also super ambitious and on the 10 mile team with ROTC and he runs a lot.
I have just started graduate school here and I am going for my PhD in genetics. Next year I'll be starting medical school as well. I am currently working in a lab where we are studying blindness in diabetics. It's pretty interesting stuff. I'm not as ambitious as Sterling when it comes to being fit, but I am doing a 5.5 mile race in October with him (he's running the 8.5 race...)
Hank, our German Shorthaired Puppy is doing great here in EL. We live really close to a dog park so he gets to go there at least once a day to play with a bunch of other dogs. We have also taught him how to run next to us while we ride our bike, so he get's his exercise in for sure!
We are still going to Riverview Church and we were lucky enough to find out that our neighbors go there as well and we've recently joined their lifegroup. Very exciting! I think one of the hardest parts about being down here is that most of my friends live elsewhere in Michigan and I don't get to see them as much as I'd like!
As I'll often do... I'm going to end this quick update with the excuse that I need to go study. As always!