Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Procrastinating by updating!

Hello friends! Sorry I've been absent from the blogging world lately, however, I have been keeping up to date with yours :) Life has been kind of hectic lately and I just haven't made time to update. But now I am because I don't want to go and take pictures of 130 gut samples...

1. First of all, I officially joined a lab and am starting to work on my actual PhD work. I am working in a lab where we study the relationship between the gut and bone loss. It sounds like a stretch, but it's pretty cool stuff. I am also working on a project on studying the benefits of probiotics on bone loss, but ultimately we would like to treat patients with diseases like IBD and Crohn's with the probiotics to increase health in both the gut and the bone. This is a shout out to you Taylor... I'm going to feed you bacteria some day!
While it has been really exciting finding a lab and joining it and finding a place here at MSU where I fit in and belong, it's also a really scary transition. I need to know things now. The current grad student is defending her work next week, then she is leaving for her post-doc at NYU. I will be second in command and one of the head honcho's around here. Kind of intimidating.

2. Sterling is gone again... He is actually traveling and away for half of the month in April. It's kind of crazy actually. Let's see, last weekend I dropped him off Friday morning to go to Gettysburg for the weekend (with ROTC) and I picked him up Sunday night. Monday morning I dropped him off at the airport to go to Seattle for a conference to present his research (from his masters work) and I get to pick him up Thursday night. Then on Sunday morning I will take him to the airport again to go to Virginia and I think I will pick him up next Thursday. Traveling man. It's kind of a prelude to what is on the horizon...

3. We have Sterling's leave date: May 23rd. Yeah, that's a little too soon for me. There is nothing I can do about it, but accept it and deal with it. Doesn't make it suck any less.

4. I am moving out of my apartment and into a house in a few months! Am I excited? So excited! The main reason is the fenced in backyard. My life will be so much easier! Especially with Sterling gone... that poor dog doesn't get nearly as much exercise as he would like so this will be wonderful for him. Plus I will have a roommate which will help when Sterling is away.

5. I am starting medical school in a few months. While I love the graduate program I am in here at MSU, I am so excited to start taking med classes. I mean, medical school was my goal for so long and now I am finally there! It's going to be hard (especially since I'm also doing grad school) but it will be so worth it in the end. Someday (in the far away future) I'll graduate and be able to do whatever I want... I just don't know what that is at the moment haha!

Okay, I think that I don't really have anything else new going on... so unfortunately, I need to get back to the reading and get back to taking pictures of guts (they are pretty cool looking though :))